Today for Mindful Mommy Monday I had a totally different post planned. Then I read something  on one of my favorite sites  Happy Herbivore, and I thought I would do this post instead.

[box type=”shadow” ]It all started when I read what Lindsay Nixon of Happy Herbivore wrote-

You have to do the best you can. Remember: It’s about progress, not perfection. It’s about encouraging each other and doing the best we can. It’s about focusing on what we do right, not where we might fall short. Let’s build each other up and not bring each other down. We’re all on a journey to be our best selves! Applaud progress. It’s not all or nothing. It’s about do the best you can within the limits of your circumstances. We live in an imperfect world.


(For the full post click here)

Yes!Yes!Yes!! Is what I wanted to scream at the computer screen. Of course I didn’t because my toddler and everyone in my house was still asleep, so I silently said it in my head.

Today for Mindful Mommy Monday I want to do something different than my usual “here are some cool tips and tricks to make your life easier post” ( those will be back next week). Instead I want to give you some encouragement.

You will never be perfect and you will never do everything perfect. What is important is that you keep trying to do your best. Do the best for your circumstances.

I think so often we as moms (and dads- don’t want to leave my dads out ) we get down on ourselves because we feel like we don’t do everything right and perfect.

We don’t buy all the organic produce, we don’t make all the cool crafts on pinterest, we choose to work or have to work, we don’t read fantastic books aloud to our kids everyday, we yelled when we shouldn’t have, a bad word slipped out when it shouldn’t have, we let our kids watch tv so we can have a few minutes to get something done,we pour a bowl of cereal instead of a well rounded breakfast,and you fill in the blank here.

The list can go on and on.

My point is do what you can ,when you can. Stop beating yourself up. Applaud the progress you make and stop focusing on all the things you do wrong. Focus on the good that you do instead!

I think its time to stop judging ourselves by someone else’s path. Do the best you can do in this season of life!

Have I said it enough already? Do your best, not someones else’s best!

Lets take time today and not only encourage others but encourage yourself! Stop trying to be what everyone else is and just be the best you !  What does that mean to you today?

I wrote myself this reminder today and put it up by my desk-


I hope you will remind yourself of the same today! Have a wonderful day everyone! I am off to go pour a bowl of cereal for my kids!

I linked up with these awesome link up parties!


  1. Good Morning! Your post is so positive and encouraging, I love it! You are so right to say that we can’t all be perfect, it’s about progress. We have to learn to be better ‘forgivers’, especially when it comes to ourselves.

    We were created to be special people, not clones. So let’s get out there and be the best we can be (not someone else’s)!

    Enjoy your day! So great to meet you today 🙂

    • I love what you said about forgiving ourselves! Thats exactly right, we are taught to forgive others but not ourselves. Very great point this morning!

    • lol! When I was a young mom I used to see all these moms who I thought were perfect all the time and it always got to me that I couldn’t be the same.Then one day one of the moms who I adored laughed when I made a comment about how she always had it together and explained that she did not. She told me about her struggles and it really helped me give myself a break and hang up my wannabe super mommy cape and just be me.

  2. This is such a great post! I agree that we all do the best that we can. Sometimes we have good days and sometimes we have not-so-good days, but as long as we love our kids, they will turn out just fine.

    Becky 🙂

    • I am glad you liked it! I just linked up with you on your site! One of my goals is to learn how to speak french so I hope it goes well for you!! ( to see what I am talking about you will have to stop by her site!)

  3. Amber, you are so right! We are terrible when it comes to comparing ourselves to others, having expectations which are too high and feeling guilty about the ways we feel we fall short. Your message here to do our best and feel pleased with our progress is such a great one. I’m glad that you shared this today.

    Thanks for linking up at Essential Fridays.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions

  4. I wish all pinterest pins came with some sort of background story, like this cake in a mason jar looks perfect but look at all the cheerios my kids spilled on the floor while I was making it.

  5. I love that message, ‘do your best, not someone elses bast’ thats so well said. I’m pinning your post to the Sunday Parenting Party and sharing on my FB page. Thanks for linking up


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