
Toddlers and Preschoolers  

What a fun age this is!  At this age I think learning should happen through play and by reading great books together.  I want to point out at this stage and age if your little one shows interest in doing some fun learning activities- Great! Try some of these out!  If your little one shows no interest- Great! Let them just play and be a little kid!  We have had days where my little kids have really been engaged in these learning activities and we have had weeks go by when they just played all day and we read books together. Whatever stage they are in is fine! Don’t feel pressured to start formal learning or anything- this is a short and very sweet time in your childs life. Better to enjoy it by spending your days playing in the dirt with them then spend them stressing over flashcards and worksheets!

These are some ideas and activities I have done with my toddlers and preschoolers!

 Please check out my pinterest board for more fun preschool activities! Click here to go to my pinterest boards!