Why I said goodbye to my scale! Fitness Friday Series on Adventures in Mindful Living

Why I said goodbye to my scale!

Why I said goodbye to my scale! Fitness Friday Series on Adventures in Mindful Living


I am sure you have seen this post just worded in a different way on many other blogs.I have read other posts too that have said that are throwing away their scales. I always agree but then when I walk into my own bathroom where my scale lives I feel a different way. I have a very unhealthy relationship with mine. For many years I thought my worth was determined by that scale. Of course I would never say it outloud becasue we all know we are not supposed to feel that way.I consider myself a strong woman and would never readily admit that that little white scale could get to me so much.  But here I am -admitting that it does bother me when that number doesn’t budge or it is not even close to the magical number in my head I want it to be.

Now let me be clear here. I think losing weight is a good thing. I know when I do lose weight that my knees feel better and my body can perform better. So I am not against losing weight. One of the things I help people do is lose weight and get healthier. What I am against is when weight is the only way you are measuring your health and success.

For me I could tell that I was getting a little too focused on that number on the scale. Instead of paying attention to how much more energy I had, or how my clothes fit better, or even how my body was looking- all I started seeing was the number.

If any of you have been following my journey with Fitness Friday you know I have been running and doing yoga. I have been able to see and feel my body getting stronger every week. My energy level is improving and I sleep better. The unhealthy relationship with my scale was really getting in the way of all the positives I had going on. So I decided as with some other toxic relationships in my life, it had to go. Now I didnt do some big dramatic throw away ceremony.  I still need my scale for things like seeing how much a child weighs or the cat in case of needing medication. Before you ask yes ,my cat is that big. I simply put it up in the closet where if I really wanted it I would have to dig.

This week instead of stepping on the scale, I focused on how I felt and that is the way I will keep it. I am going back to focusing on making sure I eat good whole foods, and really refocusing on my 6 week transformation that I do with my clients. I put myself on it every once in awhile just to refocus. Plus I never ask my clients to do anything that I have not already done. I know that if I eat right and keep it up with my exercising then those last couple of pounds that I want gone will go and better yet I can trade that  jiggle when I wiggle for some nice toned muscle!  I am looking forward to running in my first 5K ever and then finding another challenge after that tackle.  Life is good and I refuse to let a little white scale tell me otherwise.

What about you? What are you doing this week to make yourself healthier in anyway (mental,physical, spiritual,etc)? Tell me about it in the comments and lets continue on with the encouragement!

By the way thank you so much for all the comments and messages you all have been sending me to help encourage  me along! I love them so keep them coming!! 




  1. I’m really struggling with my relationship with the scale right now! I started training for a half marathon this month and have never felt better, but that number bursts my bubble every week

  2. Thank you for the reminder :). I also need to keep my scale to be able to weigh all my four legged furry ones 🙂
    I am trying this week to start eating healthier, which is going to be tough for this French fry loving girl 🙂
    Have a beautiful week!


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