The Claw!

(This post does contain affiliate links)

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Do you worry about your child’s handwriting?

I used too, but not anymore!

Is it becasue he magically starting writing better? Or I just decided not to care anymore?

Nope! Far from it!

One of my sister in laws occupational therapist told her about this super cool little rubber writing device called the claw. She called me immediately and told me about it becasue she knew Jayden had really been struggling with his handwriting. I ordered a packet and I swear it has been one of the best things I have ever bought  for our son and for our homeschooling!


[box type=”shadow” ]I do want you to know this post contains affiliate links. If you buy anything from any of the advertisers on my site I do get a small commission. It helps with the upkeep of this blog so I always appreciate it when you do! But I will be honest with you- I have recommended this writing claw for years to everyone who ever worries about their kids handwriting. It has been a life saver for us- so no matter what this post would have been written.So enough with the legalities. Let me tell you why the claw worked so well for us.[/box]

The Claw! It sounds like a horror movie doesn’t it? Let me assure you it is not scary in any kind of way. What is scary is worrying about your child’s handwriting or having to watch your child really struggle with something. For Jayden it was handwriting. No matter what I tried he just really was having a hard time with it.  I know  all the reasons why he was having problems but that didnt help me help him any. The more we practiced the more frustrated he and I got. I let him type a lot of his stuff but I still needed to him to practice his handwriting so it would improve.

We bought the claw and tried it out. I instantly became a fan of it. The first couple of days  it seemed a little awkward for him but over the next couple of weeks he got the hang of it. This cool little rubber writing device was training his hand and fingers on how to properly hold the pencil. Which in turn made his hand not hurt when he wrote.

Now does Jayden love to write now? No, this isnt a magic wand. But I will tell you the fight over writing isn’t as bad anymore and his handwriting is soo much better. I wish I had a writing sample to show you of the before and after but we are getting ready to move so I have packed up most of his work from last year. But I can tell you that it has made a world of difference with him and his writing. He is not embarrassed to write anymore in Boy Scouts which was a really big deal and even relatives have noticed how his handwriting has improved.

Another really great thing about the claw is that you don’t have to use it forever. Jayden used it for about a month or so. By then it had trained his hand and fingers how to hold the pencil and he just didn’t need it. When his handwriting starts getting sloppy again, I slip the claw back on and he uses it for a week and then I take it back off again. If his handwriting improves we leave it off, if it needs a little more time we slip it back on again. No big deal at all.

the claw

There are several different kinds of writing devices like the claw and from talking to other parents you may have to just try several different ones to see which one works best for your kid.  I really want to encourage you to try any of them and see if they help with your child. If one doesn’t work , try another one. This has made such a big difference overall with Jayden’s handwriting  and with his confidence.

I bought mine through Discount School Supply (which is why I signed up to be an affiliate with them becasue I had bought so many things over the year and I loved their catalog!).  Click the Discount School Supply picture below and it will take you to their site. Simply type in Writing Claws and it will take you straight to them or click here ! Make sure to take some time and read the reviews at the bottom of the page. I always found them extremely helpful!



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