Cloth Diapering 101! Come find out all about cloth diapering, your questions answered!! Adventures in Mindful Living

I love my cloth diapers!When Hope from Coffee Time for Mommy  offered to write a guest post for me on cloth diapering I was super excited. This is one of those topics I wanted to write about for so long but just never seemed to get around to it. She has done an excellent job of explaining the basics of cloth diapering! Make sure to show her some love in the comments and by stopping by her site and saying hi!

Cloth Diapering 101! Come find out all about cloth diapering, your questions answered!! Adventures in Mindful Living

Diapering for the “Green Mama” (Cloth Diapers 101)

Before I even realized I was soon to be a mother, I was already researching all about cloth diapering! Let me tell you, it was completely overwhelming!! That is why I am here today, to tell you the basics of cloth diapering.

Diapering for the Green Mama1

First things first,………. WHY??  Why should you choose cloth diapering,…..

These are just a few reasons as to why I chose to cloth diaper, if you agree, it might be a good fit for you too!

  1. By cloth diapering, you are decreasing the amount of landfill waste, by thousands of diapers (literally)! Go Green, Mama!!

(I could go into all the details about what problems diapers cause being in our landfills, but today it is all about the basics!)


  1. CHEMICALS!!!!  Before I knew I was going to be a parent, I was researching all the ways to make our home a safe one for our family!  If you are going through all these measures to ensure safety, why not the safety of your child’s bottom?   There are harmful chemicals in the absorbency material in disposable diapers….. I know recently I heard of diaper RECALLS!!! I would hate to know I was wrapping my new baby in something that could potentially be so harmful.


  1. Let’s talk money!! So in addition to saving on diapers for this child, if you purchase gender neutral diapers, they can be used for any future children! Or better yet, you can sell them to your local cloth diapering store that takes “pre-loved diapers.”  At first, purchasing your cloth diapers will be quite the investment, but I promise it is totally worth it in the long run! There are so many ways to cloth diaper, but I have found my favorites that I will share with you!



As you begin researching on your own, you will notice many different abbreviations and will probably become confused like myself.  So here is the common terminology you might come in contact with!

  1. CD- Cloth Diaper:  Diapering system comprised of some type of cloth and a waterproof cover.
  2. AIO- All –in-One: One piece diaper; the cover and diaper are all sewn together.  Easiest for Dad’s or babysitters.

Diapering for the Green Mama2        3. Fitted: Cloth part of the diaper that has either snaps or Velcro it doesn’t require pins or a Snappi. **Favorite**

Diapering for the Green Mama3


  1. Pre-Fold- These diapers are quite simply like their name you have to fold them to fit around your child.  They are the most economical. You will need a Snappi or pins to keep the diaper on! **Favorite**

Diapering for the Green Mama4

  1. Snappi: Tool used to hold diaper together on baby; it has three claw-like feet on a stretchy band.  This allows for a snug fit.  I prefer them over pins. OUCH! Diapering for the Green Mama5
  2. Covers: You will need covers with some types of diapers.  This keeps the diaper waterproof and from leaking!Diapering for the Green Mama6
  3. PUL- Waterproof material the covers are made from.


There are several other words you will come across such as wool, pocket diapers, contours, shells, gussets, bamboo, hemp, and more!  I am by no means a CD Professional,… so I am sure there are more out there that I am not aware of!



So I totally recommend purchasing a diaper sprayer if you are apprehensive about washing off the diapers.  This attaches to your toilet and you literally can spray the poo into the toilet! My husband LOVES ours!

After you remove the poo, you need to keep your diapers in a pail until wash time.  We wash ours every other day.  You can do a soak in your pail to help pre-treat any stains that may be setting in.  I like to use Shaklee’s all natural and non-toxic cleaners to keep my diapers looking new!  It is also CD-safe! When it comes to washing the diapers, you want to make sure the detergent you are using is CD-safe because some detergents can mess with the absorbency, not to mention irritate your baby’s bottom!


DIY Cloth Wipes

You will need old t-shirt material, or you can make your own wipes out of a soft and thicker material.  I like to make up the solution and keep the wipes in it when we are at home.  While we are on the go, I like to take a spray bottle of the solution and dry wipes!

Solution consists of:

(Optional) baby soap (1tbs),

organic coconut oil (1tbs),

hot water (2 cups),

and tea tree oil (a few drops).

Mix it all together and pour over your wipes.  Keep in a sealed container.


DIY CD-Safe Rash Cream

With CD’s you have to be careful about what diaper creams you use.  Your most common ones will stay on the diaper and will keep them from absorbing well.  I like to make my own.  That way I also don’t have to worry about what chemicals may be in purchased creams.  It is quite simple:

You will need organic coconut oil,

tea tree essential oil (a few drops),

and lavender essential oil (a few drops).

I like to use Young Living’s oils.  They are high quality therapeutic grade.  (You know they work!)

Just mix them together and keep in an airtight container.



So there you have it!  This is your quick look at cloth diapering! I in no way covered every aspect.  As I was typing this blog post I had to dwindle down to the basic (or what I think are the basics) in order to assure I don’t take up your entire day rambling about CD’s.  I promise I could go on for a while!

Do you love cloth diapers? Have any extra tips or tricks you would like to add? Tell us about them in the comments! 

Happy Diapering!!

Cloth Diapering 101! Come find out all about cloth diapering, your questions answered!! Adventures in Mindful Living


I’m Hope! I blog over at Coffee Time for Mommy where you will find other  “Green Mama” posts along with ways to make your life it’s healthiest! You can also find everyday tips at my  Facebook page here: Coffee Time for  Mommy on FB



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